March 22

Rear Window, 1954

Welcome back to another exciting edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! This week Dion Baia and J. Blake are back to discuss one of the most acclaimed films of all time, by one of the most iconic filmmakers of all time, Alfred Hitchcock and his 1954 masterpiece, Rear Window.

Rear Window

The boys attempt to dissect this epic topic, unpacking Hitchcock‘s career and style, and the factors that played into creating one of the most well-regarded movies of his catalog. They analyze Hitch‘s genius in crafting a seminal thriller that basically takes place in one room. So grab your popcorn, your mega jolt cola and your binoculars, because Blake and Dion are inviting you to spy on their neighbors on an all new edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!


Please go over and cast a vote to help Blake‘s podcast Scored to Death win a Rondo Award!

Here’s an article on the real New York City apartment that Rear Window‘s massive set is based on!

Go have a listen to the inaugural episode of the groundbreaking radio show Suspense, with Alfred Hitchcock directing an adaptation of his movie, The Lodger!

Also discussed in the podcast, check the inaugural episode of the Screen Director’s Playhouse radio show and their adaptation of Shadow of a Doubt, starring Cary Grant!

March 8

Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, 1985

Welcome back to another enthralling edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! J. Blake and Dion Baia stay up late this week to chat about an iconic character and movie from their youth, Pee-Wee Herman and his cult classic 1985 film helmed by Tim Burton, Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.

The boys talk about bike riding, theater-movie going, and the arcade game playing of their youth, as they reminisce about being kids in another era. They unpack the history of Paul ReubensPee-Wee Herman character and inception, the 1981 HBO Special, and what led to a Warner Brothers movie deal. They go over Tim Burton‘s early work at Disney and how he and composer Danny Elfman were serendipitously paired with Reubens to collaborate on the 1985 movie. Dion and Blake also delve into Pee-Wee‘s late 80’s career–the groundbreaking and Emmy Award winning CBS Saturday Morning show Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, and what led up to his notorious arrest and fall out; and his ultimate transition beyond and back to Pee-Wee Herman. It’s a very fun, sentimental and exciting, all new episode of Saturday Night Movie Sleepover!


Check out Blake’s 2016 pictures of Pee-Wee‘s suit and bike, as well as the house used in the 1985 film!

Have a listen to Blake’s interview with composer John Massari on the latest episode of Scored to Death: The Podcast.

As discussed in the cast, take a look at the amazing mountain climbing TV movie from 1980, High Ice, starring David Janssen and Tony Musante, courtesy of YouTube.

Also discussed on this week’s episode, check out the forgotten gem The Wizard of Speed and Time, also courtesy of YouTube.

February 22

Cliffhanger, 1993

Welcome to an all new episode of Saturday Night Movie SleepoversKung Fu February! (this year though, just minus the Kung Fu) Well the secret is out–the boys have been planning a mountain climbing double-feature for the month. So after hitting last week’s The Eiger Sanction from 1975, in which Clint Eastwood both starred and directed, J. Blake and Dion Baia thought what better way to follow that up then with the ultimate mountain/action/thriller foray, Sylvester Stallone‘s blockbuster Cliffhanger, from 1993!

Dion and Blake take on this epic classic, discussing its placement in Sly‘s career, the backstory of getting it made, and the other scrapped projects Stallone was connected to before leading up to Cliffhangerand what went into filming this odyssey in the Italian mountains–which doubled for the Colorado Rockies. They also discuss the casting, and opine about the poor choices the villains make in this story, while trying to pull over an air heist that leads to perhaps the ultimate action movie scavenger hunt ever. This week, it’s a party celebrating a classic action film, in an all new and exhilarating edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!


Check out this behind the scenes featurette for Cliffhanger!

Take a look at this great segment from the 1990’s Discovery Channel show Movie Magic!, that highlighted the climatic helicopter crash minature SFX work within the film!

And if you liked that, check out this second episode of Movie Magic!, where that show the behind the scenes SFX work that went into the plane crash.

February 8

The Eiger Sanction, 1975

Welcome to another exciting edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! This time around, J. Blake and Dion Baia are kicking in an all new installment of Kung Fu February (minus the Kung Fu this year), and this week the boys are mountain climbing, and chatting the Clint Eastwood, Cold War/spy/espionage thriller, The Eiger Sanction, from 1975!

The fellas jump right in, discussing the original 1972 novel by the famed author Trevanian and the differences between the movie and source material. They chat about all the practical stunts Eastwood and his crew performed on the legendary Eiger mountain, back before CGI when you just had to go out and do the stunts yourself… and the many “un-P.C.” aspects to the film that don’t age so well. So grab your climbing gear, some meal bars, and your courage, because Blake and Dion are headed up the Eiger Death Bivouac in this all new episode of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!


Here’s a great BBC documentary on the truly horrifying history of the North Face of Eiger, called The North Face of Eiger: Wall of Death.

Check out The Eiger Sanction Soundtrack, by John Williams!

As discussed in the podcast, check out this fabulous and insane 1979 TV movie, Disaster of a Coastliner, that stars the phone book and was part of inspiration for the 1980 spoof, Airplane!

January 25

Galaxy Quest, 1999

Welcome to another brand new edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! This week J. Blake and Dion Baia are celebrating a movie that’s turning 20 this year and has become a cult classic for many. The boys are going into space this go-around with the sci-fi comedy epic, Galaxy Quest, from 1999!

Dion and Blake also have named this one the “tangent” episode, as the fellas go off on some left turns, discussing seeing this in the theater together back in the day, what other films they’ve seen together, Star Trek, After School Specialsamong other things. They laugh about the layers of comedy within Quest and the brilliant casting and the obvious (and not so obvious) nods to the Star Trek franchise and its fans. It’s a celebration of multiple proportions this week as the boys explore the mysteries of the Thermian’s Omega 13 device in an all new, hilarious and informative installment of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!


Check out the deleted scenes of Galaxy Quest!

As discussed in the podcast, go read up on the fan-made series that premiered in 2004 called Star Trek New Voyages Phase II.

Go watch Star Trek New Voyages Phase II ‘s sequel to the Star Trek TOS episode, “The Doomsday Machine“, entitled “In Harm’s Way“.

January 11

Willow, 1988

Welcome to an all new 2019 edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! J. Blake and Dion Baia are kicking off the season with a fantasy classic, a movie which has collected a huge cult following over the years. The boys are chatting the George Lucas and Ron Howard epic, Willow, from 1988!

Dion and J. Blake reminiscence about this movie gem, discussing their history with it and the other fantasy films of the era that populated the genre. They talk about George Lucas and his influence in creating the story and working hand and hand with Ron Howard, to see this project to fruition, and the giant leap in CGI Effects, courtesy of ILM and SFX legend Dennis Muren; revolutionizing the “morphing” effects which played significant roles in many blockbusters of the late 1980’s and 1990’s. So come on and take a seat, as the fellas kick off a fun, informative and hilarious brand new installment of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!


Take a look at this vintage trailer for Willow!

Check out this behind the scenes 1988 featurette discussing Willow!

Here’s a great 2013 interview with Warwick Davis and Val Kilmer!

December 21

Emmet Otter’s Jug~Band Christmas , 1977

Welcome to another Holiday Edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! To close out 2018 J. Blake and Dion Baia are showcasing a cult Christmas classic that is getting some much-deserved love in recent years. They’re tackling the Jim Henson holiday classic, Emmet Otter’s Jug~Band Christmas, from 1977!

The boys lovingly unpack this once lost holiday gem that is celebrating its 40th anniversary in ‘the states’ this year. Dion and Blake utilize the original 1971 source book by Russell and Lillian Hoban for reference, and can’t hold back their utter amazement at the technical prose of the Jim Henson team and the unbridled magic they are able to create. Mixed with the genius that is Paul Williams and his music, they layout a Christmas Special that may have more film cuts than Blade Runner. So come pull up a chair and a have a listen as the boys grab their Mom’s washtub and head down to Waterville and Frogtown Hollow, on an all new holiday installment of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers


Please go listen to J. Blake‘s 2014 Blues album, When You Coming Home?, as discussed in this week’s episode. 

Here’s Dion with Paul Williams when they met at an Emmet Otter event in Queens, in December 2018.

Check out these hilarious outtakes from the 1977-78 Christmas Special!

Have a listen to this amazing soundtrack, which has been released for the first time this year, showcasing the genius that is Paul Williams.

Here’s an unused song from the special, written for the meek Music Store Owner, titled Born in a Trunk!

Lastly, take a look at this stirring rendition of the song “When the River Meets the Sea“, song by Jerry Nelson and Louise Gold at Jim Henson’s Memorial Service.

December 7

Die Hard, 1988

‘Tis the Season! J. Blake and Dion Baia are kicking off the Christmas season with a spectacular edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! For this holiday installment the boys are covering a genre-pioneering action-adventure epic–that’s also celebrating it’s 30th birthday this year. It’s the Bruce Willis classic, Die Hard, from 1988!

Die HardIt’s been a long night (and long year) for the SNMS crew and the lads have started hitting the old holiday ‘nog a little early this sleepover night. Dion and Blake layout the history of this holiday essential, unpacking the history of how it was originally a sequel to a Frank Sinatra property, and it’s journey to becoming one of the most influential action movie’s of the 80’s.  Blake also reminisces about seeing a screening of this film introduced by the late great Alan Rickman, and what he had to say when a film asked him a very specific script logic question regarding the storyline. So grab your sleigh bells, your yule tide cheer, your Berettas and most importantly your shoes, cause the guys are taking a trip to Nakatomi Plaza in this 2018 holiday edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!

And thank you to this week’s sponsor, Robinhood!



Out this week, please go pick up a copy of Dion Baia‘s debut novel, Blood in the Streets, available on Amazon, Barnes &,, Simon & Schuster, or at your favorite bookstore in paperback, ebook & audiobook!

Check out the original theatrical trailer for Die Hard, with lines no included in the final version!

Have a look at this great collection of Die Hard bloopers!

November 21

Grumpy Old Men, 1993

An all new Thanksgiving edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers is coming at ya! This week J. Blake and Dion Baia are covering a 25 year old essential that reunited a legendary duo and became a breakout hit! The boys tackle the Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau classic, Grumpy Old Men, from 1993!

Blake and Dion jump right in and discuss the careers of Lemmon, Matthau, and Burgess Meredith, and how it led to this surprise hit that spawned a direct sequel and a series of other films teaming up the hilarious duo. The boys discuss Matthau and Lemmon‘s amazing chemistry and their catalog of films together. The winter is setting in on this hilarious and exciting all new episode of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! Go have a listen today!

And thank you to this week’s sponsor, Robinhood!


Check out the original theatrical trailer with jokes that are not in the 1993 movie!

Do yourself a favor and watch the outtakes to Grumpy Old Men!

Get into the holiday spirit and watch Burgess Meredith in Kenny G‘s 1994 music video for his Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

And have a listen to Burgess Meredith in the Chieftains Christmas song, Don Oiche Ud I mBeithil!

November 9

Coming to America, 1988

Hey there! Today on this week’s all new episode of Saturday Night Movie SleepoversDion Baia and J. Blake are ringing in another anniversary, celebrating an iconic comedy classic that is turning 30, which set the bar. The fellas are talking Eddie Murphy‘s creation Coming to America, directed by John Landis, from 1988.

Coming to America

Blake and Dion unpack this quintessential cult classic, discussing the collaboration between Eddie Murphy and John Landis, and history of both men leading up to this epic and the confrontation that occured between the two on set. The boys also analyze the dirty comedy and R-rated moments within the story, and question how today’s audiences might react to some of the racy situations. Well, come and pull up a chair as the fellas follow proper royalty as they travel from their native Zamunda, Africa, all the way to Queens, New York circa 1988 in search for love, in an all new and exciting installment of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! Also a big thank you to this week’s sponsor, Green Chef!



Check out the original trailer, which includes scenes not in the theatrical cut.

Have a look at this rare interviews of Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall in 1989 while doing press for Coming to America.

Take a look at Eddie Murphy talking about Coming to America with Arsenio Hall on the show BIO, on Biography.

And as promised, here’s That’s My Mama!

And of course, the infamous Coming to America TV pilot, starring Tommy Davidson.


October 31

Alan Howarth Halloween Special – SNMS Presents: The Side-Cast

It is Halloween and we have something very special to celebrate the holiday and one of horror’s greatest film series, Scored to Death’s Alan Howarth Halloween Special: The Uncut Sleepover Edition!

Originally posted in 2 parts on Scored to Death: The Podcast and presented here uncut and in its entirety, Blake sits down with sound designer, composer and former John Carpenter-collaborator Alan Howarth, to discuss his work on the Halloween films (2 through 6); plus listeners get an inside peak into the working relationship between Alan and Carpenter, the making of some of their greatest scores…and much much more!

For more Scored to Death: The Podcast Click Here!

For more of Blake’s interviews with Alan and other film composers, check out Blake’s book on Amazon!


October 26

Suspiria, 1977

Welcome to week 4 of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers’ 2018 October Halloween Horror Movie Extravangza! Dion Baia and J. Blake are rounding out the month with some Italian cinema, featuring what has been called the quintessential film from the director some call the “Italian Hitchcock“… Dario Argento and his masterpiece, Suspiria, from 1977!


Blake and Dion unpack this vast topic, discussing Dario Argento‘s relationship with Daria Nicolodi and their collaboration that gave us Suspiria. The boys discuss the historical elements that influenced the story, like English essayist Thomas De Quincey’s poem that outlined “our lady’s of sorrow“, and Austrian philosopher Rudolph Steiner‘s principles that molded what became Argento‘s Three Mothers Trilogy. And they cover Goblin‘s massive score for this film and their partnership with the acclaimed director. It’s an intense, Italian-themed installment to close our 2018‘s epic October Halloween Horror Month Extravaganza, on an all new edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!  We’d also like to thank you sponsors this week, TiVo (use PROMO CODE SAT20 to save 20% off your order) and Hello Fresh (use PROMO CODE SAT60 to save $60 off your order)!


Check out Blake‘s book, Scored to Death: Conversations with Some of Horror’s Biggest Composers to continue to learn about music in the horror genre.

Have a listen to the fabulous and legendary Goblin soundtrack for Suspiria.

Take a look at this great documentary on Suspiria, called A Sigh From the Depths.

And to hear more about actor Pat Hingle‘s near fatal elevator shaft fall, read this article.

October 19

Dawn of the Dead, 1978

Welcome back to the 3rd installment of 2018‘s October Halloween Horror Movie Extravagnza! This go-round Dion Baia and J. Blake are hitting another movie that has an anniversary! Turning 40 this year, it is the quintessential sequel that literally helped kick-start an entire subgenre, domestically and overseas in Italy, the George A. Romero cult classic, Dawn of the Dead from 1978.
Dawn of the Dead

The boys are on a timetable this week as they break down this massive topic, decimating the various cuts of the film, and the Dario Argento influence–like with the cult Italian band Goblin. Blake and Dion discuss the impact the Romero “dead films” had on the industry. They both reminisce about their personal histories with Dawn, as well as the other movies in Romero‘s catalog. So grab your batteries, extra ammo, gasoline and door keys, because we’re all taking a road trip to take shelter in the Monroeville Mall, in this all October Halloween Horror Edition of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! And a special thank you to our sponsors this week, TiVo and Simple Contacts!


Please go check out J. Blake’s book, Scored to Death: Conversations with Some of Horror’s Greatest Composers and also its companion, Scored to Death: The Podcast, to further explore the interviews Blake did with many of the men involved with Dawn of the Dead, among many others.

Check out the official website of the (Night of the) Living Dead Museum!

Have a look at the Tom Savini book talked about in the podcast, titled Grande Illusions: A Learn-By-Example Guide to the Art and Technique of Special Make-Up Effects From the Films of Tom Savini.

Take a look at the classic 1985 documentary that breaks down the making of both Dawn of the Dead, called Document of the Dead, courtesy of YouTube

October 12

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, 1994

Welcome back to week two of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers’ October Halloween Horror Movie ExtravaganzaJ. Blake and Dion Baia are celebrating the 200th anniversary of a book that set a standard and changed history forever. That’s right, the boys are talking Mary Shelley’s legendary debut novel Frankenstein, and tackling the Kenneth Branagh epic, his Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, from 1994!

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein

Dion and Blake discuss Ms. Shelley‘s background and circumstances surrounding her penning the 1818 classic, and the decisions Branagh made in the director’s chair as to include (for the first time) portions from the novel that had been previously omitted from other film adaptations. They analyze the 1994 movie, covering some of the aspects that made his version so polarizing for some. So be prepared as the boys bring you back to the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the 1990’s gothic revival, in an all new installment of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers’ October Horror Movie Extravaganza!


Have a read of the original masterpiece that started it all, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein!

Take a look at the Robert DeNiro Frankenstein vinyl model that was produced in 1994!

Take a listen to Part 1 of a 1955 Suspense! radio play of Frankenstein!

And of course, take a listen to Part 2!

October 5

Halloween, 1978

Welcome to the first episode of the 2018 Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers Halloween Horror October Extravaganza! This week the boys are bringing their Chicago brethren, the Mighty Mighty Mike Vanderbilt back to sleep over and discuss a classic that turns 40 this year and a film franchise that has a new installment releasing into theaters this month. That’s right, J. Blake and Dion Baia are taking on the trend-setting cult horror classic by the master… John Carpenter‘s Halloween, from 1978!


Halloween 1978 Poster

The three caballeros get right into it, dissecting Carpenter‘s style and proposing many questions they hope to answer. Being as Vanderbilt and Blake both have interviewed the legendary auteur -among many others connected to the series- the fellas try to lend their expertise and lay out why this film became an absolute classic, as well as a trailblazer for the entire slasher film subgenre. So grab your buckets of pizza, your mega-jolt colas (or as in Dion‘s case, something with a little extra ‘kick’), cause the boys are pulling out all the stops on the first installment of the 2018 Saturday Night Movie Sleepover Halloween Horror October Extravaganza!


Here’s the original trailer to the 1978 film!

Check out this actual 1979 audience reaction to the climatic scene of Halloween!

Take a look at these extra scenes shot during the production of Halloween II, to be specifically inserted into the television version of the original 1978 film.

Have a look at the new documentary For the Love of the Boogeyman, which features our very own, J. Blake!