February 24

Richard Christy – SNMS Presents: Movie Lovers

This week we kick off a brand new & hopefully recurring segment called SNMS PRESENT: MOVIE LOVERS. For this debut episode, Blake sits down with Howard Stern Show personality, phony phone call expert, acclaimed heavy metal drummer, composer, writer, filmmaker and movie lover Richard Christy, to discuss their mutual loves for the horror genre, John Carpenter, metal music and horror movie soundtracks. The two reminisce about the origins of their love for these subjects, while swapping personal stories, sharing a few laughs and talking about how awesome their moms are.

So what was the defining film that made Richard fall in love with horror & what was the album that was released the very next year that cemented his love for all things metal? What is one of Richard’s new favorite books? [Hint, it was written by a SNMS host] Where is Richard’s favorite place & how is it related to a holiday that, possibly, only he & his wife celebrate? And which horror films did Richard & Blake’s moms wake them up, out of sound sleeps, to watch in the middle of the night? These questions and more are answered on this exciting debut of SNMS PRESENTS: MOVIE LOVERS!!!

Please subscribe to, rate & review our show on iTunes!

For all things Richard Christy, visit richardchristy.com

Follow Richard Christy on Twitter at @cwotd

For all things Charred Walls of the Damned, visit charredwallsofthedamned.com

To purchase Blaze: The Soundtrack Vol. 1& 2, CLICK HERE

To watch Richard’s short film EVIL NED 2, CLICK HERE

Blake’s book, SCORED TO DEATH,  is available in paperback & on Kindle at Amazon and everywhere books are sold.

Follow Blake and his book on Twitter @ScoredtoDeath

BABA BOOEY to ya’ll!!!

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Posted February 24, 2017 by J. Blake in category "Celebrities", "Horror", "Interview", "Movie Lovers", "Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers Exclusive


  1. By Jose A. Rivera on

    Really good episode! Loved hearing about how things were before Ebay because yea, I remember those days all too well!

    Also, nice to know Richard also goes to the Nitehawk. I haven’t been there in a while but for a couple of years I was going there whenever I could. I love that they show these amazing genre movies, but also serve food and booze. I saw movies that I love but was too young to see them on the big screen. Getting to see Buckaroo Banzai, Big Trouble in Little China, Die Hard and The Neverending Story were personal highlights, along with seeing Wayne’s World and Kurt Fuller was actually in attendance. I wish I could have talked to him, though.

    1. By J. Blake (Post author) on

      Thanks for the continued support Jose! You’ve seen some great screenings. I too love going to things like that, but don’t get to go as much as I’d like.

      Richard and I had a lot of fun chatting. Hopefully we can get him on the show again in the future. I think there is a lot more ground to cover. I am glad you enjoyed!



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