March 23

Clue, 1985

Welcome back to another episode of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! This week the boys are discussing a cult classic, a comedy completely based off a well-established and much-loved board game.  J. Blake and Dion Baia are trying out their sleuthing abilities this episode, as they tackle the zany farce, Clue, from 1985.

Clue poster

Blake and Dion analyze this cult comedy and it’s amazing ensemble cast, and speculate about why this film (which was received very poorly by critics initially) eventually endeared itself to an entire generation of film lovers. They compare it to the other type films that came out at the time, and get into the nuts and bolts of the original game and it’s origins. They also talk about what they like- and perhaps don’t like about this epic comedy. It’s all going down this go-around on and all new, exciting and hilarious installment of Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!


Have a look at the original 1985 trailer for Clue !

Listen to the fabulous original soundtrack by John Morris!

Here’s a 2017 teaser trailer for the work-in-progress documentary on Clue, entitled Who Done It !

Have a gander at these photos from the 2017 Hascon, of the exclusive $250 edition of Clue , here and here!

Take a look at Jane Wiedlin from the Go-Go’s discussing her role in Clue !

Check out this 1985 VCR Clue Mystery Game in it’s entirety! 


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Posted March 23, 2018 by admin in category "Books", "Comedy", "toys


  1. By Jose A. Rivera on

    GREAT episode, guys! When I saw the name of the episode in my podcasts app on my Iphone, I audibly gasped. I’ve got a soft spot for the movie because of when I saw it.

    It was either 94 or 95, but I distinctly remember it was December. My dad picked up me and my sisters from a christmas party at our elementary school. We were buzzed on sugar and the upcoming holiday, and when we got home that Friday night, we saw the commerical on WPIX 11 for Clue. My sisters and I were young but we knew the game. We had no idea they made it into a movie, much less with the cast it had. So when it eight o’clock came around, we planted ourselves on the living room floor and watched. We got such a kick out of it! And to this day it’s still very quotable in my family. Anytime anyone ever says “To make a long story short” we instinctively say “Too late!”

    As for the endings, I never knew different places had different endings. When we grew up with the TV version, it always had the three endings. I later learned they played seperately. It wasn’t until the blu-ray release that if gave you the option of either getting an ending at random when you hit play or all three endings.

    I got to meet Leslie Anne Warren outside of a hotel a few years back when they were doing the May upfronts and my friends would wait to meet celebrities. I had her autograph something for my aunt as she loved Leslie in Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, but I got to talk to her for a bit about Clue. A)She’s super nice and B)…even then, she’s still got it!

    Guys, as always, amazing episode. Thanks for putting up the link for the soundtrack. That opening theme gets stuck in my head all the time in the best possible way.


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